Different types of snake venom.

Snake venom are classified in two major types, Neurotoxins and Hemotoxins. However venom of black-necked spitting cobra is Cytotoxin and also the venom of Mojave rattle-snake is Myotoxin.


This type of snake venom destroys red blood cells – causes hemolysis, disrupts blood clotting, and also attacks other types of cells and tissues – causing profound tissue damage and often, organ failure. These types of bites are very painful. Effects may not begin for hours after a bite. Permanent tissue damage almost always results. A person bitten by a snake with hemotoxic venom may bleed from orifices like nose, eyes, and also gums and the brain.
If you are bitten on the toe, finger, or some extremity you can usually expect to lose part or all of that body part. Malayan Pit Viper venom has properties of its venom that attacks blood and live tissue. Viperkeeper calls them “finger rotters”. Their venom literally kills and dissolves tissue including bone.


Affects the nerves and nervous system. There may be little pain or swelling when bitten by a snake with predominantly neurotoxic venom like that of Thailand’s kraits. Once bitten a human has a progressive paralyzation of the muscles of the body, followed by death from respiratory failure as your diaphragm fails to work anymore. Initially an envenomated bite causes ptosis, droopy eyelids, seeing double, and a sleepy, dazed-like paralysis. There is sometimes excess salivation and vomiting.
Pre-synaptic neurotoxins are found in Thailand elapids and some vipers. These damage nerve endings. Post-synaptic neurotoxins are found in elapid venom and block acetylcholine from binding  – leading to a neuromuscular paralysis.


Attacks and kills living cells of all sorts. In humans, bites from snakes with cytotoxic venom produce severe local and organ related symptoms, bleeding, swelling and pain.


Affects muscle tissue primarily. This venom affects the ability of the muscles to contract – leaving the prey flaccid and easy to eat. If a human is bitten it results in pain the legs, hips and shoulders – with paralysis the main danger at first. Damage to kidneys follows. About a quarter (25%) of bite victims have sever muscle and/or kidney damage from this venom.

and their are many more different types of classification among these toxins.

Here are some links that might be informative :-


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